About Us

Vision Statement: The Power of a Changed Woman is a global non-profit organization: Educates, strengthens, Heals, and Empowers women who are experiencing low self-worth.

Mission: Changing our mindset for the better.

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Women are a lot more needed today than ever before. Women are shattering glass ceilings that once restricted their ability to dream, speak, grow, and impact the world. Women can have it all now, depending on their willingness and commitment to change, without choosing between family and career. No time for making excesses but making time for change and there is no perfect time than now for women to awaken, identify, change, and activate the uniqueness of themselves to become that power of a changed woman.

Some of the ways TPCW are:

1. Growing and developing ourselves for our family and communities
2. Being more spiritual and showing God to the world
3. Helping the less fortunate women to be strong for themselves.
4. Bringing out the best in every woman we meet or encounter.
5. Striving in every way possible to make our society a better place for all.
6. Having the tools and skills to work their way out of fear, insecurity, lack of confidence, regrets, and self-doubt.
7. Inspiriting them to improve their health, well- being and to self-influence positive decision-making in their lives
8. To nurture and empower women to reach their full potential

Our Target Population: Women of all ages, regardless of their belief, race, ethnicity, or their social status.

Motto: Giving up is not an option.


As a young girl growing up, I recognized at an early age the challenges faced by me and my fellow women as it pertains to low self-worth because I experienced my share of it. I was on the battlefield fighting with myself for years, trying to discover my self-worth. I was not only raped of my dignity and innocent, but everything that I believed and stood for, which made me question my very existence, purpose, and faith. I had to wrestle with fear, insecurity, doubts, lack of self-confidence, quits, and regrets because of teenage pregnancy, neglect, maltreatment, violence, and emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. I believe many women worldwide are experiencing everything explained above, especially in third-world countries, who are victims of teenage pregnancy, neglect, maltreatment, violence, and emotional, physical, and sexual abuse that has deactivated their purpose. Also, the years of civil wars did not only leave women handicapped and trapped but destroyed the means of being economically equipped to provide for their well-being and function according to God’s plan. Such experienced has denied them access to potential life. They live in a community they feel part of yet feel far away because they feel they don’t have what it takes to belong. The years the locusts have eaten seem complicated to get back the harvest God promised.

As a result, many women are trying to fit in when they are supposed to stand out and up because their self-worth has been manipulated. A decline in their performance has made them feel worthless, which has caused them to lose their voice, and silent their action and their thinking skills are cold and on pause.  

Therefore, an organization such as The Power of a Changed Woman’s educational drive is fundamental in the lives of women experiencing similar life challenges. We strongly believe if we stop competing or bringing down each and bring each and everyone together to forget the past, we will be able to transform our minds and reach our full potential. We can change, adapt, and develop skills to break the low self-worth stigma cycle. Giving Up Is Not an Option; together, we shall impact the world with God’s help.

You are not alone, sisters. We can reconnect to our inner beauty, regain our voice, discover our identity, and fulfill destiny  together.
